admin mod for sourcemod admin.cfg
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=========> Download Link admin mod for sourcemod admin.cfg
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Hi there, I set up admins.cfg for myself as an admin, but when I go ingame it says I am not an admin. Can you use admins.cfg for setting up admins or do you have to use admins_simple.ini. This is how my admins.cfg looks (/sourcemod/configs) "Rogue" { "auth" "steam" "identity". 3 min - Uploaded by Adam MacdonaldA tutorial on how to install sourcemod and metamod and set up admins!. How to Install. USE THIS SECTION TO DECLARE DETAILED ADMIN PROPERTIES. *. * Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name. * The name does not have to be unique. *. * Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom). * "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are: * "steam". insurgency-sourcemod - Fork of SourceMod 1.8 including my custom plugins to support Insurgency. I've got a new server up on NFO and have metamod and sourcemod installed: ] meta version. SourceMod 1.6.4-dev+4623, by AlliedModders LLC To see running plugins, type "sm. Yes, I did - I have both admins.cfg and admins_simple.ini populated appropriately with steam id info. Looking at the logs,. You will only see RCON output on SourceMod 1.4 or above. sm_reloadadmins. basecommands config Refreshes the Admin cache from all sources. sm_unban. basebans unban Unbans a Steam ID or an IP. sm_who. basecommands admin [#userid|name] Lists all users and their access rights. bjr, j ai réinstaller mon serveur css. g remis mon steam id dans cstrike-addons-sourcemod-config-admin_simple.ini g reboot,mais tjrs pas les droit. que... In the console I keep getting a message "you don't have access to this command" when I try to type in sm_admin. Here is my admin.cfg file that is in my /tf/ folder. Please help! /** * USE THIS SECTION TO DECLARE DETAILED ADMIN PROPERTIES. I would appreciate someone telling me how to add admins (including myself) on my new TF2 server. A tutorial would be nice. Edit your admin.cfg file: tf/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin.cfg. Code: /** * USE THIS SECTION TO DECLARE DETAILED ADMIN PROPERTIES. * * Each admin should have its. So both metamod and sourcemod are running on my server. I believe the current version is 1.7.0. I had tried putting 1.8.0 which is the latest development branch snapshot, but reverted back to 1.7.0 when it didn't work. I put my steamid in every relevant place including the admins.cfg, admins_simple.ini and. I enter all my admins in to the admins_simple.ini file. If you enter them in the admins.cfg you have to be careful adding them, you might have a parsing error in the .cfg. Here is a link to all the SM admin commands: SM Admin Commands[] Hope this helps. I sent a friend request if you need. This article contains a list of usable admin commands that you may use on your SourceMod server.. sm_execcfg basecommands config Executes a config file (path not needed, but extension is).. sm_who basecommands admin [#userid|name] Lists all users and their access rights, or a specific user's access rights. Once you've successfully installed Metamod and Sourcemod (CSGO: How do I install SourceMod on my server?), you will need to make yourself admin to run sourcemod commands.. The admin file. You can find your admin config file here: /addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini. Sm admin file.jpg. admin_reload, 4, admin_reload: Reloads Admin Mod files. admin_say, 64, admin_say : Shows a message from you as admin. admin_servercfg, 512, admin_servercfg config file>: Sets the config file as the server's default. admin_ssay, 64, admin_ssay : Shows a message admin without identification. You can set admin activity chat messages in sourcemod s config file cfg sourcemod sourcemod cfg justyna luszcz katowice csgo with CSGO advanced admin commands Sourcemod. How to add Admins to Sourcemod on CSGO On the server open addons sourcemod configs admins_simple ini Type quot admin quot in the. Sourcemod Admin einrichten (komplex). Bentötigt: Metamod:Source Installation & Sourcemod Installation evtl. Admingruppen sowie die Adminflags (Rechte). Das eintragen eines Admins in die Admins.cfg ist bei weitem kein Hexenwerk. Man muss nur aufpassen das man die Klammern { und } an der richtigen Stelle setzt da. Pour rappel, ce mod servira à toutes personnes disposant de son propre serveur de jeux.. Vous pouvez configurer de manière très précises les droits de chaque admin avec le fichier /addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg Il est ainsi possible de créer des groupes et de les assigner à plusieurs personnes. I have all the files and things in the correct places, I just don't know how to become admin. I entered my name and my ID in the "admins.cfg" file, but it still tell me I don't have access to the command. This is after I type my rcon password and even use rcon before typing "sm_admin". Please help me, I've come this far and I. Nous allons nous déplacer dans le dossier du mod (.. La manipulation consiste à modifier la langue de SourceMod, ajouter un admin, ajouter des commandes RCON, ajouter des maps, ajouter des plugins.. Nous pouvons configurer de manière très précises les droits de chaque admin avec le fichier « admins.cfg » (. Lots of nice in game admin tools can be accessed by installing Source Mod. Download and extract the newest source mod version from the website. Extract the files to local folder; Open a SCP client and move the “addons” folder to the CSGO server; Edit addons/sourcemod/configs/admin.cfg to add admins. Par défaut. Salut, Depuis les dernières versions de Sourcemod, il est plus utile de s'ajouter administrateur du plugin via le fichier admins.cfg (cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/). I have tried to add myself as an admin on my TF2 Server, but it doesn't work. I have been to support and couldn't find the answer. Please help me! This is my admins.cfg, please tell me if there is an error in it stopping me from being admin. My ign is TheKillerAwesome and my steam id is there: /** * USE THIS. Okay, start with going into DIR/srcds/srcds/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/config. Open admins.cfg. Should look like this one: Code: /** * USE THIS SECTION TO DECLARE DETAILED ADMIN PROPERTIES. * * Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name. * The name does not have to. Sneeza avatar. Sneeza. First download Simple Chat Colours. Then, when that's installed, go into the /sourcemod/configs/ directory and open simple-chatcolors.cfg file. This will give admins tags: "admin_colors" { "Admins" { "flag" "z" "tag" "[Admin] " "tagcolor" "{R}" "namecolor" "{G}" } }. Helpful x 1. Too busy to make ubers! Mode 1: Store the player in admins.cfg (Flatfile). Mode 2: Store the player in the admins MySQL database (MySQL). Mode 3: Store the player in the Sourcebans admin database (Sourcebans). FLATFILE: You will need to ensure that your "admin-flatfile.smx" plugin exists in addons/sourcemod/plugins/ folder. SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language.. Any. Advanced Menu Say for Admins, Non-Admins, Private MSG & Coloured Hud Say [17 Jun 09] · MoggieX, Admin Commands.... [ANY] Team Vote Config Loader (TVC) ver. 0.2.4 (updated 30.06.12). Prerequisites. Webserver. PHP 5.2; MySQL 5.0. Source Dedicated Server. SourceMod. The Basic Admin Tool also supports SourceBans. #top. You will always get some code to add to /addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg (on your gameserver), it is important to add this before you install the SourceBans plugin, or the. **Please contact us to install Metamod/Sourcemod*** To configure your admins you can do this using the admin config file, after the above mods are installed. On the server control panel, click the configuration files. Your looking for the Simple Admin Config file, which should be at the top of the list. File Manager locatio:. Now we got Sourcemod running, lets get admin features shall we? 1.) go to your mod directory, in this case mine is "C:\srcds\orangebox\gesource" 2.) You will see those two files you copied previously named "cfg" and "addons" 3.) Go and double click the "addons" folder. double click the "sourcemod" folder Détails: Catégorie : [TUTO] Half Life 2 & Mods: Mis à jour : mercredi 25 décembre 2013 17:37: Écrit par Sissou Cyril: Affichages : 17030. sourcemod logo.. 5.7/ Connecter vous à votre serveur, une fois connecté nous allons binder une touche pour faire apparaitre le menu admin de SourceMod. Exemple dans la console du.
Configuring the admin options of left4dead 2 aren't that complicated, you just have to edit few lines of code and you are done. How to Configure/Add Admin Options in Left4dead 2. Step 1. Go to “left4dead 2/addons/sourcemod/configs” folder. Step 2. Open admins.cfg with notepad. Step 3. Add the following. Team Fortress 2: Wie in seinen Vorgängern dreht sich in TF2 alles um zwei gegnerische Mannschaften, die im Wettbewerb miteinander versuchen ein Ziel zu erfüllen. Diese beiden Mannschaften sollen zwei Baufirmen darstellen: Reliable Excavation Demolition (RED, Verlässliche Abraumzerstörung) und. 18. Aug. 2009. Es gibt bei Sourcemod 2 Möglichkeiten seine Admins zu verwalten. Einmal die admins.cfg und einmal die admins_simple.ini. Die admins.cfg ist eigentlich nur bei Servern sinnvoll, die viele Admins haben. In der admins.cfg können Gruppen genutzt werden. Diese erlauben es, einen weiteren Admin mit. 1. Avatar of lildragon555. 7 years ago from United States. Toggle Code View. Clear Embed Visit. Can anyone edit the lua files in the TTT gamemode so it checks for admins in the sourcemod admin list (addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg)?. inb4; "Why use SourceMod it sucks" Not my server (clan's server). lildragon555. Csgoscript is a script for installing and Admin a server Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Sourcemod/Metamod plugins... 1 ON / 0 OFF # directory file backup config mapcycle.txt and maplist.txt Game Mode DIR_MAP_BCK="${DIR_CSGO_SERVER}/csgo/mapsconfig" # <= If you prefere change. Damage Info Display Plugin Menu. How to Setup Admin Rights?You need to be an admin in your server to take control most of the server functions. To do that, you need to change the admins.cfg file. (...\Left 4 Dead\left4dead\addons\sourcemod\configs\admins.cfg) Open it and read what's written in there. I dont have problems with the basic sourcemod plugins. You can simply use the new steamID for adding admins like this: "identity" "[U:1:80467290]". Somehow the steamID of banned people stored in the banned_user.cfg changes by itself and everything else of sourcemod works fine too. Edit: Simple. Now take this .zip file and place it in the C:\GameInstalls\CSS\TCA.MODS folder on your server. This is where TCAdmin will look for the zip file for this mod. Now you will need to login to your control panel and go to System Settings>Supported Games and locate the Counter Strike Source game config. Click on the line for the. If you're looking at using SourceMod they have an entirely different system that uses a configuration file and STEAMID for the most part. For SourceMod admins see their wiki article: (Again that is only relavent if you are using SourceMod,. Sounds are configurable via a config file, and if multiple setups exist, one is chosen randomly. Each setup has options to be restricted to specific admin flags (using TOG Flag System), or excluded from specific flags. Explosion effect on the player with a configurable path for the effect. Ragdoll removal; Explosions of props in. w cfg/sourcemod.cfg. Hasła Aby hasła działały administrator serwera musi najpierw ustawić "PassInfoVar" w addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg. Na przykład: "PassInfoVar" "_sm1337" Następnie jeśli admin posiada hasło musi je ustawić za pomocą setinfow konsoli. Na przykład, używając przykładu. Admins. Es gibt in Sourcemod verschiedene Möglichkeiten Admins zu definieren. Ich möchte hier nur schnell das standard Verfahren über das Plugin admin_flatfile.smx erläutern. Alle Admins werden dafür in der Datei addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg eingetragen. Das Grundgerüst der Datei,. Kiedy Twój SM działa i ma się dobrze, czas nadać sobie prawa admina w grze. Metoda na szybko: 1) Musisz znać swój STEAM_ID. Nie znasz? Wpisz w konsoli gry,(tylda) komendę status. Znajdź swój nick i skopiuj stamtąd swój STEAM ID. ... 15:15:42: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons\sourcemod\configs\admins.cfg L 02/08/2018 - 15:15:42: [admin-flatfile.smx] (line 0) Stream failed to open L 02/08/2018 - 15:15:43: [admin-sql-prefetch.smx] Could not connect to database "default": [2003]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061). Cambiar el mapa actual. sm_rcon, basecommands, rcon, Ejecutar argumentos rcon mediante source. sm_reloadadmins, basecommands, config, Refrescar la lista de administradores. sm_unban, basebans, unban, Desbanear Steam ID. sm_who, basecommands, admin, [#userid|name], Lista de administradores y accesos. Итак. Установка. Качаем; Готовим; Проверяем. Настройка. Создаём администраторов. admins_simple.ini; admins.cfg; Флаги доступа. Группируем администраторов; Русифицируем SourceMod; Создаём собственное меню запускаемых конфигов. Глубокая настройка. sourcemod.cfg; core.cfg. Introdução O SourceMod é o principal addon para administração de servidores semelhante ao amx do cs 1.6 que permite a adição de novos plugins personal... SourceMod ist ein Erweiterungs-Programm von Metamod für Counter Strike Global Offensive (CS:GO), Counter Strike Source (CS:S) und andere Source Engine-Spiele von Valve. Es wird meistens und hauptsächlich als Admin-Plugin genutzt, da es ein unendliches und noch nicht ausgeschöpftes Repertoire an. Ok first of all, I think its my database.cfg that is fucking up because other addons such as RTV and nominate are working so the problem is not source mod or metamod. Now when I bought the server, it came with a mysql and now i am wondering how to set up my database.cfg so all the records and stats are. Salut tout le monde je bataille de puis tout ta l'heur pour me mettre admin mes je trouve pas qu'elle qu'un pourrez m'aider si vous plais. Installer tout simplement SourceMod et MetaMod, redémarrer le serveur et dirigez vous vers votre FTP dans la rubrique Addons et cliquer sur SourceMod puis Config et.
This tutorial will show you how to use your rcon admin password to login to your csgo server and issue commands.. If you do not remember your Rcon Password, you can view it or change it by accessing the server.cfg file via the Configuration Files icon, from within your CSGO Control Panel. This was. Каждый администратор имеет собственный блок внутри основного "Админского" блока. Вы можете создавать и/или модифицировать admins.cfg файлы с помощью KVManager. Формат выглядит следующим образом: Код: Admins { "Admin Name" { "auth" "[steam|name|ip]" "identity" "[unique id]". This is a tutorial on how to install and configure SQL Admins for Sourcemod. Our example uses a. Open the databases.cfg file and update the "default" section with your MySQL login details you found in step 2 (for Sourcemod you should use as opposed to localhost). Example (DO NOT copy this. Через FTP редактируем файл addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg Или через Панель управления на нашем сайте Плагины » SourceMod » admins.cfg. Так же как и в первом способе SourceMod может проверить подлинность клиента. Una vez instalado el sourcemod y el metamod en tu server, te vas a la carpeta /orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/admins_simple.ini y escribes los admin. 30 Tháng Tám 2017. If you want to add some other commands, suggest and discuss here. (remember, it's not wish list) – Custom adminmenu file “adminmenu_custom.txt” is not needed, but optional. – You can set admin activity chat messages in sourcemod's config file “cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg” with “sm_show_activity”. Trouble in Terrorist Town is a Garry's Mod gamemode. This is the official site with information,. The below is a listing of settings servers can configure in their server.cfg to customize the gamemode. Players (ie. clients) don't have. Traitor credits; 5.2 Detective credits. 6 Prop possession; 7 Admin-related; 8 Miscellaneous. Basic Admin Tool, EKS, This is a admin tool intented for servers who want to administer public servers, with adult admins. No source code. Chron, LDuke, Chron is a mms plugin that allows you to schedule commands/configs to run at any time... ReadyUp, sslice, After 10 people type !ready, the server executes lo3.cfg. From SA-MP Wiki (Redirected from Advanced Server Controls) Jump to: navigation, search.. Unturned RCon. Guide on how to set up a config file so you can practice CS:GO. This page lists all of the major admin commands in SourceMod. Controlling Your Server. This is a full list of available CS:GO console commands,. Got it all working now. :D But since I have got you here is there any way of importing my ban list showing what admin banned whom. I am having trouble importing the sourcemod/logs/bans.log into sourcebans. I tried cstrike/cfg/banned_user.cfg but it only showed steam id and the fact that there was a ban. Using Metamod. Client Commands. Similar to the server console interface, clients can also issue commands to Metamod, of the following form: meta version - displays version information about the Metamod instance currently running on the server, ie: Metamod v1.17 2003/08/01 by Will Day Quand on administre un serveur, il est parfois plus aisé de créer son propre menu d'admin que d'utiliser celui intégré à SourceMod.. via la ligne « path » « nomdufichieralaracine » un fichier précis comme je le fait ci-dessus ou de changer la liste par défaut dans le fichier maplist.cfg qui se trouve dans :. server.cfg exec aliases.cfg. aliases.cfg alias "meleeon" "sm_cvar sm_meleemode_enabled 1;sm_cvar example 0" alias "meleeoff" "sm_cvar sm_meleemode_enabled 0;sm_cvar example 1". You should also be able to change the default values of cvars registered in SourceMod plugins or have them vary by map. Just ask if. Server config generator 1.0.1b. General; Security & Logs; League configs; Add-ons; Essential settings; Maps; Network; Custom commands. Your server address is only prompted to generate a connect command automatically. Also, it is not required. We do not record any data you enter on this site. Server OS. How to Setup a Dedicated Server on Counter Strike Global. CS GO Practice Config Full CFG file and list of commands you might For more explanation and help Don t forget that we have a list of all CS GO commands here. How to add Admins to Sourcemod on CSGO PKR Hosting. Indo-European Adolf despairs hopingly. Bonjour, Je possède un gros serveur dedié, donc j'ai décidé de faire un serveur TF2. Par contre j'ai quelques petits problème : -Les maps ne changent pas automatiquement alors que le mapcycle.txt - Topic server.cfg, mods et admin du 21-03-2012 23:59:03 sur les forums de RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Этот сценарий является передовой меню администратора для Counter-Strike Source. Вы можете очень хорошо используем более Mani Admin Plugin или SourceMod. Введя пользовательские команды в консоли, Вы будете иметь доступ к общему меню включает в себя:. Am I the only one who thinks that there should be a coaching mode in CSGO similar to the one in tf2? Server side console commands for counter strike source Only admins will be able to use these. This article is a guide on using RCON on Counter Strike Source servers. sm_admin adminmenu admin Displays the admin. Guide on how to set up a config file so you can practice CS:GO. This is a full list. It does not include any commands Admin Mod Commands.. are shown when ai_show_hull or ai_show_connect commands are used. with data from the currently connected rcon From Valve. (csgo) | Exe. SourceMod Admin Commands. steam討論區有用插件解決melee bug的方案.(1/23 melee bug 已修正) 不過什麼Bug看不太懂..o.o 於是架伺服器新手的我花了幾天的時間去研究裝plugin.. 伺服器環境: WinXp Sp3 CPU:Intel P4-HT 2.8G Ram: DDR400 2G L4D server的資料. I den här guiden kommer vi bara gå igenom hur man lägger till admins på det mer lätta sättet, och det är det här sättet som påminner mer om hur man lägger till admins i AmxModX. Gå till din config mapp för SourceMod som finns på addons\sourcemod\configs. När du är i den mappen öppnar du admins_simple.ini. Om du. voila tout est dans le titre ou mêtre mes music pour les retrouver dans le panel admin sound merci avec source mod car j'ai installer le Admin sound 1.2 mais il. malheureusement le magique plugin est fort oblier chez nitroserv pour Source Mod. Regarde le fichier soudlist.cfg dans le dossier configs. Protected cvars can only be accessed with rcon access, and sv_cheats can only be accessed with cheat access. sm_execcfg Executes a config file (path not needed, but extension is). sm_help Lists all admin commands. Output is paginated and a page number can be specified. Alternately, a search term can be. 1 Compiling from Source; 2 Sourcemod offsets and signatures; 3 Plugin-Making tips; 4 End of Round AllTalk; 5 Chat Triggers; 6 Advertisements 2.0. "sm_dump_admcache" - Dumps the admin cache for debugging.. (Leave empty model path in config, for the bot to not float around, example: "model" ""). Overall there are 34422 gaming Comprehensive practice config, console commands and binds for your local server. Those are what you start the server with. From Valve. (csgo) | Exe build: 17:42:02. Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands. SourceMod Admin. "advertisements.smx" goes in: addons/sourcemod/plugins and add this to your server.cfg: sm_advertisements_enabled 1 sm_advertisements_file "advertisements.txt" sm_advertisements_interval 300 (dont forget to edit advertisements.txt to your wants) explanation: sm_advertisements_enabled (0/1, def 1) I like to use sm_admin as a way of seeing if I have admin on a server, and it's also good for finding sourcemod admin commands I may have forgotten the syntax for. If you're in. Just don't try to forcematch it while a config vote is in progress, in the past I've seen this instantly crash servers. So only force a. Components / com_flyspray / startdown.php? File = / Administrator / components / com_admin / admin.admin.html.php?. server.php? MosConfig_absolute_path = / Components/com_htmlarea3_xtd-c/popups/ImageManager/ Scan source / mod / rss / channeledit.php? Codebase = WebEd ! Scan joomla. Chat Triggers: Remember that commands do not have to be entered Note: This list of commands includes all the commands that are provided with Admin Mod "out of the box." Voice Comms Support. Hosting a CSGO server but cant become the Operator and change the server settings since i just cant grasp this rcon. This page lists all of the major admin commands in SourceMod. Server side console commands for counter strike source Only admins will be able to use these.. Rcon Commands. Those are what you start the server with. Windows: srcds.exe -game csgo.. Shows a list with commands. Mumble 5. A Config Script for. Masz władzę. wink.png. Uprawnienia admina. Uprawnienia adminów czyli flagi, zostały zdefiniowane w pliku: D:\server\csgo\addons\sourcemod\configs\admin_levels.cfg. Za każde uprawnienie odpowiedzialna jest inna litera. Cytat. nazwa flaga Opis reservation a dostęp do rezerwowego slota generic b podstawowy admin Upload everything INSIDE the “sdonate-sourcemod-plugin” folder into “/addons/sourcemod” on your server. Now, restart your server and go to “cfg/sourcemod”, in here should be a file called “sdonate.cfg”, open it and edit the settings as follows: Next to sdonate_apikey write your SDonate API you generated earlier. You can. Follow the steps below to add an admin to SourceMod: 1) Click on the "Default Config Files" icon that is located in your game server control panel. 2) Click on the file labeled "simple_admins.ini". 3) Place your Steam ID on a blank line at the bottom of this file like so: "STEAM_0:1:123456" "99:z". 4) Click the "Save" button that. Aby hasła działały administrator serwera musi najpierw ustawić "PassInfoVar" w addons/sourcemod/configs/core.cfg. Na przykład: "PassInfoVar" "_sm1337" Następnie jeśli admin posiada hasło musi je ustawić za pomocą setinfow konsoli. Na przykład, używając przykładu znajdującego się nieco niżej,. The zip file has 4 sub-folders in it: addons, cfg, materials, and sound.. Mani Admin Plug-in is configured primarily through cfg\mani_server.cfg and its cfg\mani_admin_plugin\*.txt support files. Tweaking Mani. As explained in the SourceMod / Mani Admin Plug-in section, there was a time that Mani development idled. It looks like a fully built admin mod: Also has a Steam Workshop page:. Reminds me of Sourcemod a lot.. Currently, I have to choose whether to use different config files for each server and have to manually update each admin/ban file or lose that ability so I only. Wulf Community Admin Community Admin Oxide Developer. oyci3c said: ↑. Does this works? Tried to reload basic doorshare.lua and got some Oxide error. When typed oxide.reload doorshare (without .lua) it restarted my server :would really help me develop or debug some plugins without restarting. This page lists all of the major admin commands in SourceMod.. Admin Mod Commands. rcon csgo is a Counter-Strike Global Offensive command.. practice config, console commands and binds for your local server. Commands can be used in the console found in CS:GO. Rcon Commands. You use the command by. SAAM_ thesupremecommander SAAM_Every command works for me except sm_match. Using /match in game chat does nothing either You have to be registered as an admin in the SourceMod installation. I believe I am in, I can use /admin in server. Do you have the config admin flag? It should only allow admins with that. Hi I have a few steam-id:s that I would like to ban on my server. How do I do this? Tried to write them in the banned_user.cfg but nothing seemed to be saved. Is this info saved elsewhere? I have the "exec banned_user.cfg" in the server.cfg. Can someone give me an example of how the banned_user.cfg.